Every sick, fickle fucker

So last Friday was the big comedy show down at the South Shore Music Circus where Kathy Griffin played.

Kathy Griffin

First of all, have you ever been to the South Shore Music Circus? It really is a circus tent! There was an opening act that was offensive and racist, and the people kind of liked it. See, the SSMC is kind of fucked up because a lot of people seem to have season tickets. The crowd was split evenly - loud suburbanites in loud clothing eating nachos, and gay guys pounding down frozen coctails in Capri Sun like packaging, cruising the bushes and the bathrooms. Downright surreal.

Kathy Griffin

The show? It was OK. The SSMC is theater in the round, so the stage spun (I know, right?) and so half the time we were looking at her ass. Kathy Griffin is wonderful on a small screen in one hour chunks with commercial breaks. Really, I love it. However, having her scream at me for two uninterrupted hours was a bit much. Plus, everything - EVERYTHING - was just very very very VERY VERY GAY GAY GAY. I was completely gayed out by the end of it. It gave me a headache. Would I go see Kathy Griffin again? THE ANSWER IS PROBABLY NOT, BUT I STILL ENJOY HER TELEVISION PROGRAMMING!

In other news, the indie-rock make-out song for this past weekend was No Surprises by Marissa Nadler [feat. Black Hole Infinity]. Have I told you that the Stereogum OK Computer tribute record is fierce? Amazing? I won't say every track gets it [looking askance towards "Exit Music [for a film]"], but almost all of the interpretations are downright delicate and beautiful. David Bazan's "Let Down" - better that the original? Of course not, that would be heresy - damn close though.

I assure you it is one of the best records this year. I haven't even spun the new Interpol yet, I'm too busy wearing the grooves out on this one. AND IT'S FREE.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I just don't get the whole Griffin thing. But then again, I've been threatened with having my queer card revoked several times. [The Cho is cool, but I'm a Silverman man myself.]

    Fave cut from the OKX? Mine would be a tossup between that fantastic reimagining of "Paranoid Android" and My Brightest Diamond's operatic. rococo yet minimalist take on "Lucky". I'm glad that David Bazan's "Let Down" wasn't the live version we've already heard 100 times. I like that version but it was nice hearing something new. [More Headphones please, Dave?]

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