How have you?
Published by keith on 5.01.2008 at 13:41Oh! So Monday night at TT the Bear's was the big shoegaze show hosted by Bradley's Almanac. Film School played with The Douglas Fir.
So the story of Monday was that it was cold and rainy all day, and Rob was sick, and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make the effort to go alone, even though I already had tickets. Rob felt better by showtime so we went, catching The Broken River Prophets in the middle of their set.
Brad was giving away all sorts of stuff. I just about completed my Cocteau Twins collection by replacing my copy Blue Bell Knoll.
The Douglas Fir started out great, real Idaho-y, and the singer was wearing his influences on his chest with the same Sun Kil Moon shirt I have. They were pretty good and I would watch them open again.
Film School came on pretty promptly [10:50, thank god]. It was all kinds of loud and swirly.

I'm actually a big fan of Film School because of Brad's live recording of their last Boston appearance - hearing a song here and there did nothing for me, grouped together it made sense. A little more aggressive live than I had expected. The projections were a little less pretentious than I had expected.
The set was short - about 40 minutes with a one song encore. But it's not like they have tons of material to draw from - yet. I took a video which I had never done before. It didn't come out perfect but you get the idea.
Film School were very good and I would go see them again. A++, P@WER SELLERS!!!#$!!