Every childstar wonders
Published by keith on 8.14.2007 at 09:26Weblog! It has been too long! A busy and tiring time I have had. ANYWAY, nothing jumpstarts a weblog like PUSSYFEET:
You can passionately fuck the foot in a way you’ve never been able to before.But really, every quote and picture was a good one. Via. And you shouldn't be following weblog links at work.
IN OTHER NEWS we went and saw Sunshine last night. It was typical Danny Boyle - Atmospheric, depressing and disturbing. Thumbs up, even though the story itself was really formulaic for science fiction. Added bonus? New Underworld track playing as the end credits kick in [yo, I totally got the GA tickets up front].
IN OTHER NEWS, I mean, for myself I really need to write about Lollapalooza as the memory fades more and more each day, but there was just so much...